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Letter Factory

Letter of Recommendation

Position of Trust, Special Duty, and/or Employment Position

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Key Points to Writing
  • While writing, remember the purpose of the letter.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word) and avoid common misspellings
  • Watch Tense Shifts, going from "s" to "ed"
  • Keep the text simple
  • Avoid acronyms and jargon, the people reading the letter are not familiar with it.


The following Letter of Recommendation example was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!


To Whom It May Concern:

[First M. Last Name], who has been with this organization since January 1984, will be separating from the military in January 1998. I have worked with him on several Air Force projects. As Computer Equipment Control Officer, I have called upon [Fist Name] for his expertise. Therefore I would like to take the opportunity to highly recommend [First M. Last Name].

He is a very efficient and effective worker who always maintains harmonious relationships with co-workers. He is conscientious, cooperative and possesses good work habits.

Despite the lack of experienced personnel when implementing a new mainframe system, [First Name]insured a smooth transition. In addition to completing that seemly, impossible task, he educated the entire population with accepting new computer application procedures. He worked continuously with the Computer Specialist and Customer Engineer in determining hardware and software malfunctions encountered when implementing a new system. In addition to all this, [First Name] was the Small Computer Manager. He developed a monthly small computer newsletter, which kept the users updated on new material. He is presently in charge of all training for computer operators associated with the Sperry 1100/60 Computer System.

We in Data Processing Center will definitely feel the loss of [First Name], as our loss is most certainly someone else’s gain.

[First M. Last Name], GS-9, DAFC
Chief of Resource Management

Note: Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

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Letter Added: 24 April 2006

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Revised: 04/24/06.