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Letter Factory

Letter of Appreciation

Reason:  Training - BIND 8.9 and Quadritek IP Management (QIP)

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Key Points to Writing
  • Remember, the purpose for the Letter of Appreciation.
  • Ensure the letter is timely and accurate.
  • Ensure everyone who participated is addressed.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word), this will probably be used by the individual later.  

The following Letter of Appreciation example was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!


                                        ### CF/DONP
                                        ### Oakland Road
                                        Milwaukee AFB, WI #####

FROM: Major First Last
              #### CF/CC
              #### Guardian Road
              Pope AFB, NC #####

SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation – SSgt Last – BIND and QIP Overview

1. On behalf of the ###th Communication Flight I would like to acknowledge and thank SSgt
Last for the outstanding BIND 8.9 and Quadritek IP Management (QIP) class he presented
to our computer folks (3CO’s and 2E2’s) on Saturday, Nov 15, 2003 and Sunday Nov 16, 2003.

2. SSgt Last invested his own time in creating and developing a BIND and QIP course. This
included a Power-Point presentation and handouts. He unselfishly scheduled his UTA to
coincide with ours and drove 6 hours to train our members.

3. This training was essential in having our members learn the fundamentals of BIND based
Domain Name Server (DNS) and why it is a critical component to Windows Active Directory.
Without BIND based DNS users can’t access email, the intranet or Internet and printers. Also,
by receiving an overview of QIP, we now have an understanding of how MAJCOM HQs uses it
for managing DNS and DHCP environments.

4. SSgt Last is a skilled instructor, expressing his ideas accurately and clearly. He immediately
established a classroom climate that makes people receptive to new ideas and suggestions. SSgt
presented the topic in an easy, understandable manner. He is definitely a leader who
genuinely cares about the professional development of Air Force members. With this
presentation he sets the example for others to follow.

5. SSgt Last should be commended for his capability in passing his knowledge and experience
to others in a meaningful way. He truly is a “TEAM PLAYER” with a “CAN DO” attitude!

                                                                                               FIRST M. LAST, Maj, USAF


Reminder, Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

Comments:  All text in blue will need to be modified

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Letter Added: 26 February 2006

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Revised: 02/26/06.