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Letter Factory

Letter of Appreciation

Reason:  Deployment - TDY

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Key Points to Writing
  • Remember, the purpose for the Letter of Appreciation.
  • Ensure the letter is timely and accurate.
  • Ensure everyone who participated is addressed.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word), it might be used by the individual(s) later.  

The following Letter of Appreciation example was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!




SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation

1. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the outstanding manner
which throe of your aircrews conducted themselves during the TAC E mission of 4 May 1967.
As mission commander of six C-7A aircraft from Vung Tau, RVN, I was given the assignment
to transport a battalion of troops through marginal weather to a forward operating strip.
Darkness plus the low clouds and the unfamiliar flare lighted strip made this anything but a
routine mission. Capt Last of your squadron led the stream of aircraft. The entire mission went
smoothly and efficiently, thanks to the efforts of the crews of both squadrons.

2. It was certainly a pleasure to command a group of pilots who were eager to do a job and
who readily adapted to a difficult mission. As you will know, we do little night flying in the C- 7A
and the fact that these people went into a totally unfamiliar strip, at night and in weather, some 
five times apiece without an incident is indicative of their abilities certainly. Please extend them
my thanks and inform them it was my pleasure.

                                                                                                  FIRST M. LAST, Lt. Colonel, USAF
                                                                                                  Mission Commander


Reminder, Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

Comments: All text in blue will need to be modified

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Letter Added: 26 February 2006

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Revised: 02/26/06.