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Letter Factory

Letter of Recommendation

AFAM for Outstanding Achievement

Key Points to Writing
  • PCS/PCA Decorations will be based on EPRs/OPRs
  • Achievement Decorations read like awards, and will need a narrative for justification
  • DO NOT plan on making up mid-tour points in a PCS medal
  • Ask for HELP, the only person looking out for #1 is you
  • The only person looking out for your Airman is YOU!
  • ASK for/WRITE a Mid Tour decoration 
  • WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get
  • Use F7 to spell check. Errors reflect badly on you and your subordinate!

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SUBJECT: Letter of Recommendation for <FNAME> <MI> <LNAME>

1. I recommend award of the Air Force Achievement medal to SSgt <FNAME> <LNAME> for his outstanding accomplishments in the preparation and deployment of the RQ-4 Global Hawk in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM from 11 September 2001 to 30 November 2001.

2. Sergeant <LNAME> directly enabled four deployable transit-cased systems for successful deployment in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. He led six people in a marathon effort to ready 142 packing and load lists for National satellite and RQ-1B Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Deployable Transit-cased Imagery Exploitation Systems. His keen mobility knowledge ensured the creation of over 70 forms needed for deployment. His acute attention to detail allowed the team to correct numerous errors in all pre-existing packing and load lists, thereby ensuring both systems could be shipped without worry of cargo frustration. Sergeant Anderson’s work provided a baseline for future Deployable Transit-cased System deployments.

3. Sergeant <LNAME> was requested to prepare the U-2 Front End Processor for possible short notice theater deployment. He worked 16 hours straight developing high quality deployment documents for a new and previously untested system. His achievement set the standard for others to create a working mobility system for previously untested equipment.

4. Sergeant <LNAME> re-created 56 packing and load lists to reflect emergency system upgrades which outdated previous deployment information. He ensured the Deployable Unmanned Exploitation Transit-cased System could be deployed to theater to exploit Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance imagery to sustain the first combat missions of the RQ-4 Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. His uncanny expertise ensured both ### Air National Guard and the ##th Intelligence Squadron were able to further strengthen the Distributed Common Ground System’s CONOPs.

5. SSgt <LNAME>’s achievements in preparing the highly mobile Deployable Transit-cased Systems and bringing the Air Force’s newest weapon system, the RQ-4 Global Hawk, into the fight of are truly deserving of this award.


                                                                                     (COMMANDER'S SIGNATURE BLOCK) 

Reminder, the closing line is 5 spaces below the last line of text.

See the citation that accompanied this recommendation.

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Page Added on: 08 February 2006

Copyright © 2006 AFWriting. All rights reserved.
Revised: 10/21/09.