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Airman's Manual
Knowledge Test

Exam 2

1.  The wash/wear life for an uncontaminated CPO (Chemical Protective Overgarment) is _____ launderings or _____ days, which ever comes first.

      (A)  12, 120
      (B)  10, 90
      (C)  6, 45
      (D)  5, 60

2.  If within 5-10 minutes after administration of the first set of injectors, your heart beats very quickly and your mouth becomes very dry, inject a second Mark 1 kit immediately.

      (A)  True
      (B)  False

3.  When performing decon operations with M295 decon kits, a 5% chlorine bleach solution can augment the decontamination process, if available.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

4.  Once an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) has exploded, the area should be safe for first responders and there is no need to look for additional IED's.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

5.  If enemy forces use aerial or ground flares in your area, you should immediately move directly to the UCC and report the activity.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

6.  If the United States has negotiated a Status of Forces Agreement with your host nation, then you are exempt from local laws and cannot be detained by local authorities.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

7.  Six pads in an M291 decon kit are sufficient for ____ personal decontaminations.

     (A)  2
     (B)  3
     (C)  6
     (D)  12

8.  An expedient hazard marker with a "G" on it indicates what type of hazard?

     (A)  Biological
     (B)  Chemical
     (C)  Radiological
     (D)  UXO (unexploded ordnance)

9.  When preparing to deploy, you should not worry about becoming familiar with any host nation sensitivities because your deployed location commander will brief you when you arrive.

     (A)  True
     (B)  False

10.  An expedient hazard marker with a "U" on it indicates what type of hazard?

       (A)  Biological
       (B)  Chemical
       (C)  Radiological
       (D)  UXO (unexploded ordnance)

11.  Filter canisters will afford protection from industrial chemicals, ammonia, or carbon monoxide or in areas with insufficient oxygen to support life.

       (A)  True
       (B)  False

12.  When preparing your personal bag, you should pack a _____ to _____ day supply of personal consumable items to help you through your initial stay.

       (A)  10 to 15
       (B)  5 to 10
       (C)  90 to 120
       (D)  30 to 45

13.  If an individual has just suffered an electrical burn, your first step as a first aid provider is to ____________.

       (A)  Move the individual to safety
       (B)  Ensure power is turned off
       (C)  Call the center for Disease Control
       (D)  None of the above

14.  The fundamental purposes' of LOAC are to _____.

       (A)  Harm enemy personnel who surrender
       (B)  Prevent unnecessary suffering
       (C)  Maintenance of a well - disciplined military force
       (D)  A & C
       (E)  B & C

15. You should change your CPO (Chemical Protective Overgarment) within ____ hours after contact with chemical agents.

      (A)  12
      (B)  8
      (C)  16
      (D)  24

16.  What is another name for the Wing Operation Center (WOC) when deployed?

       (A)  Survival Recovery Center (SRC)
       (B)  Expeditionary Operation Center (EOC)
       (C)  Unit Control Center (UCC)
       (D)  None of the above

17.  Which of the following are primary products of a nuclear detonation?

      (A)  Blast and shock
      (B)  Nuclear radiation
      (C)  Electromechanical pulse
      (D)  A & B

18.  Which of the following should you NOT do if exposed to chemical agents?

       (A)  Avoid contaminated surfaces if possible
       (B)  Decon skin with M291/M295 decon kits
       (C)  Do not don your IPE (individual Protective Equipment)
       (D)  Practice contamination avoidance and operations decon

19.  You must understand, remember and apply ______ and _______ while performing your mission duties.

       (A)  Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)
       (B)  SABC
       (C)  Rules of Engagement (ROE)
       (D)  A&C

20.  When firing, ensure your nose is no further than ___ finger's width behind the charging handle.

        (A)  1
        (B)  2
        (C)  3
        (D)  4

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