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CDC 4N151 Vol 1

Surgical Service Journeyman

by CMW
Version 4N151B-01-0807
Effective 12 August 2009


1. (001) A group of several organs that work together to produce an action that cannot be achieved by an individual organ functioning alone is called a

a. tissue

b. system

c. muscle

d. stratum

2. (001) What are the two main cavities found in the axial division of the body?

a. Spinal and ventral cavities

b. Spinal and dorsal cavities

c. Cranial and spinal cavities

d. Ventral and dorsal cavities

3. (002) The region of the abdomen that lies immediately superior to the umbilical region is called the

a. pectoral region

b. epigastria region

c. suprasternal region

d. hypochondriac region

4. (002) Which regions of the abdomen are commonly referred to as the right and left upper quadrants?

a. Right and left iliac regions

b. Right and left lumbar regions

c. Right and left umbilical regions

d. Right and left hypochondriac regions

5. (002) A plane that split’s the body lengthwise along the midline into two equal halves is known as a

a. sagittal plane

b. coronal plane

c. median plane

d. transverse plane

6. (002) Which plane divides the body or a body part into superior and inferior segments?

a. Sagittal plane

b. Coronal plane

c. Median plane

d. Transverse plane

7. (003) The region of a cell that contains its genetic material and directs all cellular activity is the

a. nucleus

b. organelle

c. cytoplasm

d. cystoskeleton

8. (003) Which process for moving substances across a cell membrane is a physiological method and requires the cell to expend energy

a. osmosis

b. diffusion

c. filtration

d. exocytose

9. (003) What term means “a state of balance” and is sometimes used interchangeably with the word “equilibrium”?

a. Metabolism

b. Anabolism

c. Catabolism

d. Homeostasis

10. (004) The surface of epithelial tissue connected to underlying structures is usually anchored by

a. cilia

b. synovium

c. mucous membrane

d. basement membrane

11. (004) Epithelial tissues classified by the shape of their cells may fall into all these categories except

a. striated

b. cubical

c. columnar

d. squamous

12. (004) What type of tissue comprises the outer layers of the skin?

a. Adipose

b. Reticular

c. Epithelial

d. Connective

13. (005) Which type of tissue is cartilage?

a. Areolar

b. Adipose

c. Epithelial

d. Connective

14. (005) The connective tissue that stores fat, protects organs, and helps insulate the body is

a. elastic tissue

b. areolar tissue

c. adipose tissue

d. reticular tissue

15. (006) What property of muscle tissue creates movement in the body?

a. Contractility

b. Conductivity

c. Excitability

d. Irritability

16. (006) What type of muscle is controlled by the involuntary nervous system and helps form the internal organs?

a. Cardiac

b. Smooth

c. Striated

d. Skeletal

17. (006) What type of muscle is controlled by the voluntary nervous system and helps move the head, arms, legs, and other body structures

a. Cardiac

b. Smooth

c. Striated

d. Visceral

18. (007) The layer of a serous membrane that contacts and covers the organs of the body is called the

a. visceral layer

b. parietal layer

c. reticular layer

d. mesenchymal layer

19. (007) What type of membrane lines the cavities and passageways of the body that have opening to the outside?

a. Serous

b. Mucous

c. Synovial

d. Cutaneous

20. (007) What type of membrane lines the ends of bones in freely movable joints?

a. Serous

b. Mucous

c. Synovial

d. Cutaneous

21. (008) Glands that have no ducts and secrete substances directly into the bloodstream or tissue fluid are called

a. exocrine glands

b. holocrine glands

c. merocrine glands

d. endocrine glands

22. (008) Sweat glands are

a. salivary glands

b. exocrine glands

c. endocrine glands

d. sebaceous glands

23. (009) How many layers does the dermis have?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

24. (009) The skin performs all these functions in the human body except

a. waste excretion

b. sensory reception

c. thermal regulation

d. creating movement

25. (010) Hair is formed from the germinal matrix at the base of a tube-like projection in the skin called

a. a follicle

b. a hair papilla

c. a dermal villus

d. an epidermal por

26. (010) Germinal cells that reproduce to create new nail cells are produced in a half-moon-shaped area under the nail called the

a. lunula

b. cuticle

c. nail bed

d. nail plate

27. (011) What fibrous membrane bone structure contains the blood vessels that nourish the bone and the osteopath that generate bone tissue.

a. Marrow

b. Foramen

c. Canaliculi.

d. Periosteum

28. (011) The end of a long bone is called

a. a cortex

b. a diaphysis

c. a trochanter

d. an epiphysis

29. (011) A projection of long bone that functions as an articulation point with another bone is a

a. crest

b. condyle

c. tuberosity

d. trochanter

30. (011) All these are common functions of a bone except

a. protection

b. hemopoiesis

c. mineral storage

d. lymph production

31. (012) What are the bands of fibrous tissue that connect one bone to another called?

a. Tendons

b. Ligaments

c. Gomphoses

d. Syndesmoses

32. (012) Pads of fibrous cartilage found in the joint cavity of some joints that act as shock absorbers or cushions are called

a. menisci

b. tendons

c. foramen

d. ligaments

33. (013) The three bones of the middle ear are called

a. occipitals

b. frontals

c. temporals

d. ossicles

34. (013) Which facial bone forms the jawbone and is the largest and strongest bone in the face?

a. Vomer

b. Maxilla

c. Palatine

d. Mandible

35. (013) Which bone is not directly attached to any other bone?

a. Inferior nasal turbinates

b. Zygomatic

c. Hyoid

d. Nasal

36. (014) The bone that forms the thumb side of the forearm is the

a. ulna

b. radius

c. humerus

d. capitulum

37. (014) The bones that form the palm of the hand are called

a. tarsals

b. carpals

c. metatarsals

d. metacarpals

38. (014) Which bone is not a component of the coxal (in nominate) bone?

a. Ilium

b. Tibia

c. Fibula

d. Ischium

39. (014) What bone is the larger, weight-bearing bone of the lower leg

a. ilium

b. tibia

c. fibula

d. ischium

40. (014) The bones that form the ankle and part of the arch of the foot are called the

a. talus

b. tarsals

c. carpals

d. phalanges

41. (015) The proximal, widest, and least movable part of the muscle is the

a. head

b. belly

c. origin

d. insertion

42. (015) Muscles are generally attached to bones by

a. tendons

b. myocins

c. foramens

d. ligaments

43. (016) The type of nerve cell that stimulates muscles to contract is known as a

a. motor neuron

b. synaptic cleft

c. synaptic vesicle

d. myoneural junction

44. (016) Most skeletal muscles in the body contain

a. red muscle fibers only

b. white muscle fibers only

c. both red and white muscle fibers

d. no red and no white muscle fibers

45. (016) Muscles that are weak and lack good tone are called

a. spastic

b. flaccid

c. isotonic

d. isometric

46. (017) What types of muscles pull a bone or a body part away from the body’s midline

a. Flexors

b. Extensors

c. Abductors

d. Adductors

47. (017) A circular muscle that reduces the diameter of an opening in the body is called a

a. tensor

b. pronator

c. sphincter

d. depressor

48. (018) The sternocleidomastoid muscles are responsible for

a. puckering the lips

b. flexing and rotating the head

c. raising the eyebrows and wrinkling the forehead

d. closing the eye and squeezing the lacrimal gland

49. (018) What is the primary chewing, or mastication, muscle?

a. Masseter

b. Medial pterygoid

c. Zygomaticus major

d. Inferior labial depressor

50. (019) What is the name of the thick, fan-shaped muscle located on the upper part of the anterior chest that helps draw the body upward when climbing?

a. Pectoralis major

b. Serratus anterior

c. Pectoralis minor

d. Deltoid us

51. (019) What is the primary muscle of respiration?

a. Levator

b. Diaphragm

c. Internal intercostal

d. External intercostals

52. (020) Which muscle lies just below the external oblique in the anterior abdominal wall?

a. Transversalis

b. Internal oblique

c. Rectus abdominis

d. Internal intercostal

53. (020) One of the main muscles that forms the baase or floor of the pelvis is the

a. iliopsoas

b. levator ani.

c. transversalis

d. internal intercoastal

54. (021) Which muscle extends the forearm at the elbow?

a. Brachialis

b. Biceps brachii

c. Triceps brachii

d. Flexor digitorum

55. (022) Which muscle is the longest muscle in the body and enables you to sit cross- legged?

a. Soleus

b. Gracilis

c. Sartorius

d. Adductor longus

56. (023) When muscles turn the sole of the foot towards the midline of the body, the foot is considered in

a. eversion

b. inversion

c. dorsiflexion

d. plantar flexion

57. (023) Which two muscles form the calf of the leg?

a. Gracilis and sartorius

b. Gastrocnemius and soleus

c. Adductor brevis and adductor magnus

d. Tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus

58. (023) Which two muscles enable you to stand on your toes?

a. Gracilis and sartorius

b. Gastrocnemius and soleus

c. Adductor brevis and adductor magnus

d. Tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus

59. (024) Most nerves in the body contain

a. motor neurons only.

b. sensory neurons only.

c. both sensory and motor neurons

d. neither sensory nor motor neurons.

60. (025) The sequence of neural processes that occur during a reflex response to sensory input is reception.

a. integration, transmission, and response.

b. integration, response, and transmission.

c. transmission, integration, and response.

d. transmission, response, and integration

61. (026) The outermost layer of connective tissue covering the brain and spinal cord is the

a. pia mater

b. dura mater

c. choroid coat

d. arathnoid mater

62. (027) What is the second largest division of the human brain?

a. Pons

b. Midbrain

c. Cerebrum

d. Cerebellum

63. (028) The spinal cord normally terminates between the first and second

a. sacral vertebrae

b. lumbar vertebrae

c. thoracic vertebrae

d. cervical vertebrae

64. (028) What structure is inferior to the spinal cord and serves as the area used for spinal taps and spinal anesthesia induction?

a. Cauda equina

b. Lateral funiculi

c. Subarachnoid space

d. Posterior median sulcus

65. (029) The number of pairs of ccranial nerves that arise from the brain is

a. 12

b. 18

c. 24

d. 31

66. (030) Which cranial nerve relays impulses from the inner ear to the brain regarding equilibrium?

a. Facial

b. Auditory

c. Trigeminal

d. Spinal accessory

67. (030) Spinal nerves are named for the

a. major muscles with which they are closely associated

b. major blood vessels with which they are closely associated

c. point at which they emerge from the brain stem and pass into the vertebral column.

d. level at which they leave the spinal cord and pass through the intervertebral foramina.

68. (030) The branches the spinal nerves split into after leaving the spinal column are called

a. rami

b. ganglia

c. afferent neurons

d. efferent neurons

69. (030) A network of nerves is known as a

a. rami

b. plexus

c. ganglia

d. tubercle

70. (031) Sympathetic and parasympathetic terms describe divisions of the

a. neuromuscular system

b. central nervous system (CNS)

c. peripheral vascular system

d. autonomic nervous system (ANS)

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