| Letter Factory Letter of ReprimandReason: Unprofessional Relationships - Favoritism / Preferential Treatment |
| Key Points to Writing - Remember, there the purpose for the documentation.
- Ask for HELP if you need it, otherwise you can hurt yourself, Airmen &/or unit.
- Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
- Use a spell checker. (F7 Word)
- Related the Reason for the Discipline to UCMJ
- Do not forget the Privacy Act of 1974 information!
The following Example was taken from a Word document. If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so. If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.
Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head! DATE
SUBJECT: Letter of Reprimand - Favoritism / Preferential Treatment
1. It has been brought to my attention that you are giving preferential treatment to specific individuals under your command. Specifically, you are engaging in after work social activities with a selected few employees. This makes the other members feel left out and have the perception that they are missing out on key work related information.
2. You are hereby reprimanded. You have engaged in aberrant behavior which will not be tolerated from a member of the United States Air Force. Your past behavior has raised serious questions about your ability to remain in the United States Air Force. Displays of favoritism, or even its perception, can destroy relationships, initiative and trust. We must always be alert to its presence and suppress it. It is very important that each of us has a relationship with our supervisor or manager that is built on trust, candor, and fairness.
3. It is natural for a supervisor or manager to trust, respect, and depend upon one employee more than another -- a result of experience, common interests, goals or backgrounds, or simply the longevity of their successful relationship. However, as a supervisor within the Air Force, you are expected to create an inclusive environment where all people are valued and their skills are utilized. That leaves no room for displays of favoritism.
4. I am reminded of a story that an Air Force CMSgt told me about an experience he had while in military service years earlier. His combat unit worked hard and played harder. And their commander was at every event, every party, and every baseball game. Any time his unit socialized, "the old man" was there, but he was always the first one to leave. He did enjoy the camaraderie, but he understood his position of being boss. He knew that he was different, that he was not "one of the boys," even if he had preferred to be. It was to his benefit (and to his unit's) to be close, but not too close. He needed to be approachable and trusted, but he also needed to remain at a distance. After all, he was the one responsible for duty assignments, recognition, promotion, and reward, and for the discipline.
5. PRIVACY ACT. AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 8013. PURPOSE: To obtain any comments or documents you desire to submit (on a voluntary basis) for consideration concerning this action. ROUTINE USES: Provides you an opportunity to submit comments or documents for consideration. If provided, the comments and documents you submit become a part of the action. DISCLOSURE: Your written acknowledgment of receipt and signature is mandatory. Any other comment or document you provide is voluntary.
6. You will acknowledge receipt and return this letter to me within 3 workdays of your receipt. Your signature on this document is solely for receipt purposes and is not an admission of guilt. Any comments or documents you wish to be considered concerning this LOR must be included with your response.
LOTS O. PATIENCE, Lt Col, USAF Commander
1. I acknowledge receipt and understanding on ___________. (NOTE: If member refuses to sign, have commander write, “Member received LOR dated ____ but refused to sign acknowledgment on ________ (date).”)
2. I understand that I have until _______ (insert date), which is no earlier than three (3) workdays from the date of this letter to provide a response, and that I must include in my response any comments or documents I wish to be considered concerning this letter.
MADE A. MISTAKE, Amn, USAF FR123-45-6789
Member (did) (did not) provide written matters in response to this letter.
LOTS O. PATIENCE, Lt Col, USAF Commander
I have considered all matters submitted for my consideration by the member. On reviewing all of the evidence I have determined that member (engaged) (did not engage) in the conduct noted above and that, as a consequence, have concluded a Letter of Reprimand (is) (is not) the appropriate course of action in this case.
LOTS O. PATIENCE, Lt Col, USAF Commander
I acknowledge that on _________ Lt Col Patience advised me that she had considered the matters submitted by me in response to the above LOR and informed me of her final decision regarding same.
MADE A. MISTAKE, Amn, USAF FR123-45-6789
Reminder: Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text. Comments: All text in blue will need to be modified. Also the exact text from the AFI may change in time. Please be aware of this. |