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04 Guidance

Subject: Completion of Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) correspondence course and EPR comments

1. The web based SNCO JPME correspondence course was created to provide SNCOs elected for joint assignments information to quickly assimilate and effectively contribute in the joint environment. The course has evolved and has become quite popular across all services and many airmen have completed the course to broaden their perspective even though they are not projected into a joint assignment. Many airmen have taken the initiative to complete this course to prepare for the deployed environment.

2. Completing this course should not be used in an effort to square fill for evaluation board purposes. Allowing SEJPME completion to be documented in evaluations will simply allow a valid air force course to be appropriately documented in an airman's record.

3. The SEJPME correspondence course is not equivalent to completion of the AFSNCO academy by correspondence and completion will not be reflected on SNCO promotion evaluation board briefs. The SNCO academy course (correspondence/in-residence) remains the expected PME for all SNCOs to complete. The SNCO evaluation brief will continue to reflect SNCO academy completion, with method of completion masked.

4. To ensure an even playing field for all airmen and a smooth policy transition, the effective dates for allowing joint PME comments in evaluations will coincide with the upcoming promotion eligibility cutoff dates (PECDS) for MSgts and SMSgts: (1 Aug 09 - SMSgt reports) and (1 Oct 09 - MSgt reports). Since TSgts are eligible to complete this course, completion may be documented in evaluations effective the date of this message.

5. HQ USAF/A1PPP POC for promotions and evaluations is

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Page added on: 6 April 2009

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